Home Sewer Treatment System, 10 Tips For A Healthier Septic System


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A Home Sewer  Treatment System Shouldn’t Be Overlooked

Protect your investment by following these tips to prevent home sewage system problems. It can save you money in the long run, and keep you and your loved ones healthy while protecting our valuable water sources.

Conserve and Use Water Efficiently

In a Home Sewer Treatment System Use Water Efficiently

Use only the water that is needed, keep those long hot showers in check, and watch how much water you run in your bath.  Ensure that you don’t oversaturate your home sewer treatment system field by doing your laundry all in one day.

If you run your dishwasher simultaneously with your laundry this can really stress your septic systems with excessive water.

This can lead to oversaturating your field area, in some cases where the septic systems are older, it could stress the home sewer treatment system to the point of failure and back up into the home.

 Small leaks in your faucets or toilets that are overlooked can mean a significant amount of water entering your septic systems over time.

This can also lead to overloading your home sewage system which can cause either a short-term failure or permanent damage.

Here are some great tips on how to keep your system healthy overall:

home sewer treatment system

Best Ways to Keep Your Home Sewer Treatment System Healthy

Overall just being mindful of the amount of waste and the type of waste going through your drains will help you in the long run to maintaining healthy septic systems.

Being mindful of the amount of irrigation that is required near the home sewer treatment system drain field will also help prevent oversaturating the area especially with the already overstressed septic systems.

Keep harmful detergents and cleaners from your home sewer treatment system.  This includes antibacterial soaps and cleaners, bleach-based cleaners and detergents, automatic toilet bowl cleaners, shower cleaner, unused medicines, solvents, paints, antifreeze and other chemicals.

Replacement costs or repairs can be expensive and by having some familiarity and education on septic systems it will go along way in your ability to protect your investment.

In today’s understanding and construction of septic systems through the years of testing and technological improvements, it is even more vital in having knowledge about your wastewater treatment system.

Stay informed by staying connected with a Registered Waste Water Practitioner that can help answer some of your questions.

Often more sophisticated treatment packages will require consistent maintenance.  The important upkeep and the cleaning of vital components is what can prevent damage or home sewer treatment system failures.

home sewer treatment system
Home Sewage System Septic Tank Placement

Many homeowners entering rural regions are not familiar with septic systems.  There are many informative pamphlets at the local health authority along with information throughout the internet, it’s a matter of taking some time to get educated.

In the long run, some of these suggestions will help in furthering a basic understanding of up keeping your septic systems.

We would be happy to discuss any concerns or questions regarding your home sewage system. 

If you are considering building a new home we have some great information on our initial procedures step by step on the process of obtaining permits, testing, designing and a run through on different types of home sewer treatment systems.  Here is our page for this information: https://groundstone.ca/2018/02/16/septic-system-design-bc-septic-tank-design/

One of the components of septic systems is the tank and here is a general study of septic tank installations: https://groundstone.ca/2018/06/septic-system-cost/

Luis Goncalves, ROWP, IN, PL


Luis Goncalves, ROWP, IN, PL

I fell into this amazing trade quite by accident, I have always loved being around heavy machinery and moving earth and in contrast love working with designing things.  This trade in the septic field has led me down a wonderful path of exploring all of my skills and passions while working hard at achieving success.

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