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Subdivision Report Criteria for Authorized Persons

Interior Health’s Healthy Built Environment (HBE) Team responds to referrals from the Approving Officer on the suitability of onsite sewage disposal for a proposed subdivision. The HBE team considers all aspects of appropriate disposal of sewage during the land development planning process, which can only be provided in a comprehensive report prepared by an Authorized Person (i.e. Professional Engineer and Geoscientists with background and experience in onsite sewage disposal; Registered Onsite Wastewater Practitioner with Planner designation).

The purpose of the Authorized Person’s report is to demonstrate in writing AND on a site plan that there is suitable onsite sewerage dispersal areas for each proposed lot and that drinking water sources will be protected. Our assessment is typically based on sufficient area to contain a Type 1 trench based dispersal method for a 4 bedroom residence (1,600 litres/day) to ensure the long term sustainability of the lot. Please contact the HBE Team to discuss assessment criteria for non-residential proposals.

Note: Incomplete reports will delay/stop our review process until a complete report is received.

1. The report must be submitted to the Approving Officer and contain ALL of the following information:

• Date;

• Lot ID, Folio Number, Property Identification Number (PID), street address and general description;

• Owner contact info;

• Authorized Persons contact info;

• Other Agent’s contact info (if applicable);

• All information outlined in the following sections (i.e. 2 and 3) below;

• Any general site info/current status to assist us with considering the proposal.

2. Each proposed lot (new and remainder) must be assessed for ALL of the following criteria related to a suitable primary and reserve Type 1 trench dispersal areas, and ALL information is to be included in the comprehensive report. If any of these criteria don’t apply, please clearly indicate/state this in the report:

• A copy (or record) of the approval for any existing sewerage disposal systems. Assess and document functionality of existing systems and not posing a health or safety hazard. Systems that are no longer approved for use (i.e. seepage pits/dry wells etc) cannot be considered/included as a primary disposal area.

• Slope – show the slope of the lots and the slope within the proposed dispersal areas. The maximum slope is 15% for a Type 1 Trench system the discharge area;

• Water table – confirmation of seasonal high water table (may require assessment during spring freshet);

• Hydraulic loading rate (hlr) determined by:

a) Soil profile description, and vertical separation to minimum 1.2 metres of natural undisturbed soil (1.5 metres preferred, 2 metres in exceedingly fast soils);

b) Soil permeability (125-3000 kfs) / perc rate (0-60 min/inch);

• Breakout points – any potential down slope breakout areas within 15 metres of the edge of proposed discharge areas;

• Water – any watercourses (including seasonal), rivers, creeks lakes or drainage courses within 30 metres including the mean annual high water mark;

• Rock/limiting layer – within the top 1.2 metres;

• Floodplain – 20 year flood elevation;

• Wells – within 30 metres;

• Identify and provide copies of relevant covenants/easements/right-of-way – within 30 metres.

3. Include a scaled site plan (should be prepared by a BC Land Surveyor or Professional Engineer) showing ALL of the following information for EACH proposed lot under 2 Hectares:

• lot dimensions and area;

• elevation contour lines;

• terrain over 25% slope;

• flood elevation;

• location of proposed discharge areas showing setback distances on the proposed and adjacent properties from:

a) existing sewerage systems;

b) existing & proposed driveways, easements, covenants, no build areas, right of ways, service lines, etc.;

c) existing and proposed improvements (e.g. buildings, fences, swimming pools, animal pens);

d) existing and planned drinking water intakes/well sites for proposed lots;

e) existing well sites for neighbouring parcels;

f) all domestic and natural water sources;

g) breakout points.

4. Written Statement

The report MUST also include a written statement that the Authorized Person has reviewed all the above criteria and has identified two (2) suitable dispersal areas for each proposed lot (including for any remainders that are less than 2 hectares) that when used for on-site sewerage disposal will not create a health hazard. The report (including the site plan) must be signed and sealed by the Authorized Person.

For more information please visit or contact:

Healthy Built Environment Team

• e-mail:

• Telephone: 1-855-744-6328, Option #4

• Fax: 250-851-7341

• Mailing: 519 Columbia Street, Kamloops BC V2C 2T8

Subdivision Guidlines for Northern Health:

Subdivision Guidlines for Vancouver Island and Surrounding Islands

BC Sewerage and Subdivision Best Practice Guideline:

Rural Subdivision Guidlines, Vancouver Coastal Health:

Ministry of Transportation Form:

BC Subdivision Regulations

Luis Goncalves, ROWP, IN, PL

I fell into this amazing trade quite by accident, I have always loved being around heavy machinery and moving earth and in contrast love working with designing things.  This trade in the septic field has led me down a wonderful path of exploring all of my skills and passions while working hard at achieving success.

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